Friday, December 17, 2010

Movie Review: Black Swan

Walking out of the theater as Black Swan "closed its curtain," the audience was noticeably stunned...and for good reason. To say this film is mind-blowing is practically an understatement. Yes, it's that good. Natalie Portman gives the best performance of her career to date--and that's saying something--as her character spirals into literally embodying the ballet she is set to perform. Often terrifying, the flick takes audiences on a whirlwind through the life, and mind, of an insanely dedicated ballerina and the characters in her life. We must note, Black Swan is not for the faint of heart (there's a lot of blood) and is at times quite graphic, but the performances, especially from Portman and Mila Kunis, and the costumes are absolutely breathtaking. This is a film you should not miss (it already has four Golden Globe nominations) and don't be surprised if it is swooping up Oscars come February 2011.
Best on-screen moment: Nina's (Portman) "dark" dance as the Swan Queen.

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