Whether you are or are not attached on this most loved (or most hated) holiday, we at VIM thought it more than appropriate to provide a list of our top picks for the best romantic films to date.
Casablanca (1942)
A classic any time of year, this '40s smash involves the timeless story of a couple torn apart during a time when the world was as well. (Hint: It's centered around World War II.)
Titanic (1997)
If Leo didn't make your heart swoon in the late 1990s as a result of his portrayal of Jack Dawson (or you didn't convince your parents to let you go so you could see the fully naked Kate Winslet), we're not quite sure where you were hiding. One of the highest grossing films of all time,
Titanic is the love story of a generation and will surely live on for many years. (Cue "My Heart Will Go On.")
(500) Days of Summer (2009)
While not your standard "love story," this indie flick (released in the summer of 2009) tells it like it is and involves the offbeat story of a man who falls for a woman who doesn't believe true love exists, featuring excellent performances from Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel.
The Notebook (2004)
Nicholas Sparks is undoubtedly
the romance author of the times and the story that inspired this flick is perhaps one of the best novel-to-screen adaptations we have ever seen (we may even like it more than its prototype).
When Harry Met Sally (1989)
Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal star in this witty tale of two friends over the span of many years that continuously avoid romantic involvement, though it's obvious to nearly everyone else around them that they're perfect for each other. The notorious "will they or won't they" dilemma. We can almost feel the tension.
Now you have all the makings to get together with friends (or lovers), curl up with some popcorn and enjoy these romance masterpieces.