Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Introducing... Sex at State

Good afternoon and welcome to my debut VIM column "Sex at State." Before diving into the many different issues that plague our East Lansing existence, I want to introduce myself (and warn you what you're getting yourself into). A lot of this column is "about me" and I find that I have had a number of typical college experiences (mixed with not-so-typical ones that you'll probably just be happy did not happen to you). I also have a number of friends who have helped me through it all and kept me sane, but who also provide me with great stories of their own ... especially when it comes to dating.

I think that I've dated almost every kind of guy there is in this small bubble of ours—the jock, the pretty boy, the rocker, the charmer, the list goes on. I am lucky enough to have had that life-changing relationship that most people are looking for, only to have my heart ripped out at the end of it, but that is a story for later.

My love for this school and its little city never falters, though it may sometimes kick my ass. I guess you could say that I've had a great time, bopping around, trying to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do with my life. There are still a ton of things I don’t know, but I’ve found that I learn best from falling down and forcing myself to get back up. After all, college is the time in your life when you're supposed to make mistakes because later the "real word" is not going to be as forgiving.

So once a week, if you're up for some laughs, stories and life lessons, stay tuned…

…after all, I love a good story almost as much as I love a new pair of shoes.

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